Statistical Programming Services
Heptronik’s programmers have a wide array of experience including SAS®, ASP.NET, VB.NET, Java, HTML, ASP, Active-X, XML, SQL, and other integrated languages. Heptronik’s programming staff works closely with the Sponsor, Biostatistics, Clinical Data Operations, Clinical Program Management, and Customer Support Services personnel to produce consistent, high-quality results. Our programmers generate and maintain all code for statistical analyses of clinical data, safety summaries, and health economic projects.Heptronik’s programmers perform blinded dual analysis to ensure maximum accuracy. Heptronik’s statistical programmers/Data Management team also provide input into CRF design, annotation of CRFs, Clinical Data Operations Guidelines, data analysis plans, narratives, and clinical study reports
Programming Services
- Design of presentation-ready reports with graphics
- Generation of automated data reports
- Programming of special requests and analyses
- Data transfers
- Generation of site payments